We know families in Clayton County are seeking new charter school options. That’s why we’re pleased to share information about Tapestry Public Charter School. Established in DeKalb County in 2014, Tapestry provides an inclusive, individualized learning experience for neurotypical students and those on the autism spectrum, fostering a positive school culture that empowers all students. Tapestry plans to expand to Clayton County with a 6th-12th grade school and needs your support to make it happen
Below are a few ways you can help make Tapestry Public Charter School a reality. We hope you will speak up for Clayton County students.
Step 1: Identify your School Board Member
We’ve put together a map to help parents find their district representative.
Step 2: Send an email to your School Board Member
The most effective way to show your support is to contact your school board member directly. Locate their name on the map. Then click their name below. This will take you to a website where you can send a message. We encourage you to personalize your message by sharing why you support this school and the benefits it would bring to your children.
District 1 – Jasmine Bowles